jonathan. big air w. va. justin rhodes in background. |
jonathan. method air. w. va. state championships |
Hey, this is Jonathan and I'm the guy with too much time on my hands and an obsession for this sport. I'm 31, and have been snowboarding about 6 years and I teach snowboard lessons at Snow Trails Resort in Mansfield, Ohio. In my real job I do voiceovers for radio and TV stations and the occasional TV documentary or instructional video, but unless you're a board manufacturer looking to produce a new video, you probably wouldn't care. I am currently riding an Earthboard Prolite for freestyle, big air, and racing. It is super light and very responsive. I also have an old MBS Spinal Tap which is a heavy beast of a board and I can see why MBS stopped making it. However, it's a good downhill carver and seems to push through rougher terrain better than the lighter boards out there.
I'm not a web designer (as you can see) and I'm not very organized, so if you are either of these things and think you can do better job with this website, please let me know. I just had to get it started because I'm sick hearing about how big all terrain boarding is on the east and west coasts and how few people have heard of it here in Ohio. If you are rider anywhere in Ohio or a nearby state, please email me and I'll gladly add your profile to the site.